"Our continuous effort in ensuring Zero Waste and product are to be made sustainable"


Sustainable actions like economically, ecologically and socially measure are important in times of economic uncertainty. A clear internal structure with defined roles and responsibilities enables the stringent and effective processing of sustainability topics within the company. We treasure the importance of values, such as looking after one another, like in a family. The objective of Greenfeed Strategy 2030 are as follow:-

Our Environmental guidelines


At Greenfeed, sustainability is integral to our operations, guiding every aspect of our production process. Our ISO 14001 certification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to superior environmental management standards.

This prestigious certification assures our stakeholders that our slow-release fertilizers are manufactured through environmentally responsible practices. We prioritize minimizing environmental impact and conserving essential resources, ensuring that our products not only meet but exceed industry standards for eco-friendliness. By integrating sustainable practices into our core business strategy, we strive to protect the environment while delivering high-quality, innovative agricultural solutions.

Green initiative

Our mission on 100% Green and Renewable energy by 2025 has always been our priority.

At Greenfeed, we have a long-term view and commitment to Sustainability preserving our 45 years of legacy, we are equally conscious of the importance of preserving the modern agriculture practices, minimising our human impact to the environment and supporting our local communities.

Efforts at enhancing the environmental sustainability of the business continued as we began to look into ways and means of reducing electrical consumption and increasing our use of renewable energy sources. Strengthening the company’s endeavours was the government’s revision of its renewable energy target to 20% by 2025. We are able to produce and consume the energy we generated from our solar PV without reliance on the national grid daily. We are Near Zero Energy and Green Building Status.

Rows of solar panels in neat grids now cover the roofs of our factory and offices. Every day, we generate about 150 kilowatts of energy that powers manufacturing and administration operations.

Plan A Tree Program“We are committed to play our part and delivering our highest social responsibility!”

Trees help us to clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity.

Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Have you ever taken Aspirin? Do you know it actually comes from the bark of a tree!